Lexington Mo. Battlefield July 2006

The D.A.R.K.Team at: Lexington Mo.

Orb in motion photo by Russ of the D.A.R.K

Orbs on the Battlefield By Angela of the D.A.R.K

Orbs in the Bunker photo by Jenny McCoy of the D.A.R.K
Return to Lexington to the Oliver Anderson house.

Orbs on the left of both doors and on the far left upper and lower pillers.

Orb on the Door- 2nd floor, Orb on the right- flash light.
Photo by Aaron of the D.A.R.K

Ghost in the window by Aaron of the D.A.R.K

Ghost on the roof by Aaron of the D.A.R.K

Orb has moved to right side of top door.
Mollys Hollow:
Mollys Hallow (face orb)
Photo By D.A.R.K team Member Doug McCoy
